Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pleasing God

I am attending a ladies Bible study at church. We are studying "Walking With God" by Mindy Ferguson. After doing the first weeks lessons the one thing that keeps rolling over in my mind is am I pleasing God? According to Hebrews 11:6 faith is what is required to please God. Ok, I have faith, but is it strong enough? Would I have faith if God asked me to do something difficult or uncommon? You maybe thinking "Suzanne you do have faith look at what you are dealing with now." I know I have faith in God when things happen that are out of my control like losing Jamie, but do I have faith when God ask me to be obedient. Abram was told by God to leave his family and country and go to a new land. Could I do that? It does make me feel better that Abram couldn't obey fully--he left his country, but not his family. You can read this story in Genesis chapter 12. What about the rich young ruler in Matthew chapter 19. Jesus told him to sell all he had and give to the poor. Could I do that? We do donate our old stuff and give school supplies and shoes to kids in need, but could I give so much that it caused me and my family to go with out. I'm not sure what God is asking me to do, but he is working on me that is for sure. For now I will just try to focus more on others' needs than getting new curtain to put in Jeffrey's room.
"Whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My (Jesus') disciple." Luke 14:33

Monday, August 16, 2010


Watch this video about laminin it is amazing.