Wednesday, June 29, 2011


First, I would like to say READ your BIBLE!  This morning I read the first two chapters of 2 Kings--interesting and a little strange, but an example of God's power.  I love that every time I open God's Word it is like reading a book for the first time.

Second, have you noticed signs for yoga lately.  I see them everywhere.  One I saw on Saturday read "where is your peace?  Tip: look inside yourself."  Totally wrong!  Peace comes from the Prince of Peace!!!  One can only find peace through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Now to what I really want to share today.  This morning after dropping the boys off at preschool camp (side note: you may wonder after by blog a few days ago if the boys are involved in any summer activities.  They have taken swim lessons, attended VBS and are currently at preschool day camp at church.  I am not against any activity I just think we all need to slow down some and enjoy life.) I heard on KSBJ a question the morning show is asking listens.  How effective is an apology?  There was talk about how an apology is more meaningful to the one saying it than the one receiving it.  One person said apologies used to mean more than they do now.  It was also said "I'm sorry" is powerful for a relationship.  I agree with these statements, but also think it is important to ask for forgiveness.  I have taught the boys that I'm sorry is to be used when an accident happens and you ask for forgiveness when you choose to do something wrong.  For example if Jeffrey is not watching were he is going and runs into Jackson he says I'm sorry.  If Jeffrey chooses to throw a toy truck at Jackson he will ask Jackson to forgive him for throwing a truck and hurting him.  Asking for forgiveness is hard to do, but if you stop and think about what took place and then ask for forgiveness you are less likely to do the offense again.  Practicing this also reminds me that I am forgiven through the blood of Christ and thus should also offer forgiveness to others.  Praise God for His forgiveness!!!!

I hope this all makes sense--I don't sleep much last night so don't look to closely at the grammar and sentence structure.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Princess Cake

With two boys I never thought I would bake a princess birthday cake, but I did last Friday.  Grammie's (my mom) birthday dinner was Saturday.  I asked the boys what kind of cake Grammie should have.  Jeffrey said, "a princess cake cause that's what girls like." 

Lots of icing!!!!

 My shirtless helper.  Notice the farmer's tans:)

Happy Birthday Grammie!!!!! 

Josh had a little fun with the doll after the cake was cut.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer Learning

Have you noticed how many different class are offered this summer for the kids?  There are reading classes, math classes, science camps, VBS, swim lessons, all kinds of sports and more.  It is a little overwhelming for me.  Everywhere I go moms are talking about what the kids are doing this summer and what kind of school work they are working on at home.  A few weeks ago I was thinking Jackson needs to learn his sight words, practice writing his letters, ect. before kindergarten starts.  Then I realized that if I taught him to much this summer he would be bored once school started.  I believe it is very important to support your child in their learning, however I feel that our society is consumed with making sure their child knows more than anyone else in the class.  I have decided that our summer learning will be all about Jesus.  I want the boys to know and understand John 14:6 "Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through Me.'"  Education is important, but I am not going to worry and stress about the boys being in the top of there class.  Our focus and what is truly important is for the boys to learn about a relationship with Jesus and how to live as a believer. 

Just spending time with the boys this summer allows for learning opportunities anyway.  We read together daily, we work on math skills as the boys help me in the kitchen.  We talk about colors and shapes everywhere we go.  I guess my point is don't stress enjoy your summer with the kids, play, have fun and talk about Jesus.

"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one!  You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul. and with all your strength.  And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart.  You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when your rise up.  You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.  You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates."  Deuteronomy 6:4-9