Thursday, May 24, 2012

Ulcerative Colitis

I was in the hospital recently.  I have been diagnosed with ulerative colitis.  This is inflammation(irriation and swelling) that occurs in the rectum and colon.  It is a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).  No one knows what causes IBD, but the symptoms can be treated. 

Here is the whole story if you have a weak stomach you may what to stop reading NOW!

Last Thursday, May 17 I had a little diarrhea in the morning, but was fine by lunch.  I thought I must have a little touch of some bug

Friday, May 18 I subbed at the preschool and had a good day.  I had an uneasy feeling in my tummy and one lose stool, but was ok.  That evening I began to feel worse.

Saturday, May 19 1am.  I had lots of diarrhea all through the early morning hours.  Josh and the boys go to visit Grandma and Papa Stoneham leaving me at home with a "bug."  By lunch time I was in pain and passing blood with the diarrhea.  Josh leaves the boys with his parents and comes home and takes me to a free standing ER.  I had called my doctor and the on call doctor told us to do just that.  At the ER I am given pain meds, a rectal exam (not has bad as I thought it would be, but not fun),bloodwork and a CT scan.  The CT scan showed extensive inflammatory wall thickening/edema of the colon from the cecum through the descending colon.  So, I was sent home with four prescriptions and a GI doctor to follow up with in a few weeks.

Sunday, May 20 2am.  I am in so much pain that Josh takes me back to the freestanding ER.  They give me pain meds and then transfer me to the hospital.  My first amblaunce ride.  At the hospital I am given IV fluids, antiobotics and pain meds.  More bloodwork is done, my urian and stool are tested.  I am diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and released on Tuesday, May 22 in the afternoon. 

This is the worst physical pain I have had.  The pain is gone now, but not the diarrhea.  I am weak, tired and have been in bed since coming home.  I just read that the diarrhea can last up to 8 days--almost there:)  Pray that God will heal me quickly.  I feel like I am missing out on so much with my family.  Jeffrey's last day of preschool was yesterday and I didn't get to take him:(  And today was support to be his first day of summer and he was going to get to choose what we did all day.  A jammie day, movie, park, whatever he wanted.  But it's ok we have all summer and thanks to amazing friends Jeffrey and Jackson have been taken care of and are having tons of fun with there friends.

So, I find myself today asking God "what is the lesson I am supports to be learning from this sickness?  And help me see is NOW so we can move on." 

What I have learned/been reminded of:
1. I have an awesome family and wonderful friends who care for me and my family.
2.  Josh (my hubby) is the BEST!   He has taken care of everything while still working and he has been much nicer to me than I would be if the rolls were reversed.
3.  It is hard beening a wife and mom.  I struggle daily with different areas of wife/motherhood.  I must remember what it is like to miss out on daily family life and enjoy all the moments we have together.

All I really want to do is play with the boys, cook dinner, and sit on the porch swing with Josh!

Bedtime Talks

Last night as I was saying goodnight to Jeffrey:

Jeffrey: it looks like you are growing a baby in your tummy.
Me:  I know, but I'm not remember mommy has colitis and I have a lot of gas in my tummy and I have to burp it out.
Jeffrey laughs:)
Jeffrey: I wish we could grow a baby.
Me: Talk to God about that.
Jeffrey laughing: God can't put a baby in you tummy from way up there.
Me: Really b/c that's how it works.
Jeffrey: Mommy when you sleep He comes down and puts the baby in your tummy.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

2nd Anniversary

Yesterday, May 7, was the 2nd anniversary of Jamie's delivery.  May 18 will be the anniversary of the funeral and the 19th  of the burial.  

I am doing fine now, but last week was not so good.  I think the anticipation of the day is worst than the actual day in itself.  I was surprised how upset and emotional I have been, but Josh was not at all.  I guess he knows me better than I know myself.  

Mother's Day is a hard day because two years ago it was just days after I delivered Jamie and I was still in the hospital.  Josh said he just wants me to be happy with the boys and him and excited to open whatever they get me.  I have been showing Jeffrey different items as we have been out so hopefully he will remember:)  I am happy and will be happy and joyful on Mother's Day, but I will always have in the back of my mind the three Stoneham babies in heaven.  

Friday, May 4, 2012

Lost Donkeys

This week I have been reading in 1 Samuel.  If you start in chapter 9 you can read about how Saul became King of Israel.  Saul's father, Kish, sent him to look for two lost donkeys and he came back a king.  Of course there is more to the story it is pretty interesting you should check it out.  It made me ask the Lord, "what do You want me to become?"  My heavenly father has placed me here at this time to be a wife, mom, friend, teacher, etc.  What will I be when the task is complete?  The donkeys Saul went looking for were found and that could have been it, but Saul allowed the experiences his journey offered to change him.  One day when my tasks here are done I hope to be more than I am today.  When I stand before the throne of God I want Him to see a reflection of His Son.  

Thursday, May 3, 2012


This is our dog Spaze.

And this is why he stays outside!

 The above photo is one of our compost buckets with all the hair I brushed off Spaze this morning.