God is good! What a beautiful day it has been. Sunny, blue skies, and cool. We had a nice play date at the park and only a few meltdowns:)
The other day I wrote that I was getting back into the everyday routine of our life and it was good for me. Well, we have also so quickly gone back to worrying and struggling with the little trials of life that last week were forgotten about. Why is it that we can gain and lose perspective so fast? Fanny Crosby said, " Our lives, we are told, are but fleeting at best, like roses they fade and decay; then let us do good while the present is ours, be useful as long as we stay." I am asking myself am I doing good and being useful in this day or am I caught up in the little trials of life that want matter in a few days? I'm really not sure--maybe a bit of both. One thing I am learning is that love matters. By loving others (family, friends, neighbors) as Christ loves, one can be useful and do good.
Much love,
Suzanne - Here's a verse Hannah posted on one of her blogs and I want to share it with you to encourage you to just keep looking to Him for strength. "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." Psalm 73:26. God is faithful, so cling to this promise. Bless you. Brenda