Today at HEB I ran into an old friend. He asked how is church? He is fully aware of what our church as been through this year and that is what he was asking about. I said that things were going well and we were working hard through this season. He said that he had been praying for our church. Isn't it nice to know that other believers that attend other churches are praying for our church? As the day went on the question stayed with me. If I was asked again how is church? I would answer GREAT!!! Sunday one of the 3rd grade girls is my Sunday school class was baptised. It is wonderful to think I will not only see this girl each week in class, but also in heaven one day. A friend, whose mother recently passed away, stood on stage yesterday in church and sang "when the darkness closes in I will say blessed be the name of the Lord." What an encouragement to look into my friends eyes and see the pain and sorrow of losing one you love and yet she can stand and say blessed be the name of the Lord. And last night at Trunk or Treat there were tons of kids and parents. 750 hot dogs were grilled and that was not enough. Josh says next year they will cook 1200. Church is not about a building, a location, programs or the leadership. It is about people and what happend yesterday. It is about worshiping God through baptism, song, Bible study and fellowship.
It is interesting that you mentioned this song Suzanne because I remember standing in the choir loft on a Sunday morning this past summer with tears in my eyes watching you sing this song and being so amazed at your strength and faithfulness. Tears started streaming down my face when we sang the words "He gives and takes away but my heart will choose to say, Lord, blessed be Your name." My heart breaks for you that you were chosen to walk this path as part of your testimony. Why couldn't you have a testimony of miraculous healing instead? It's not fair. I struggle with the why's too. But I also see you as a light in this world. A shining example of a Godly woman of faith. Thank you for sharing your heart in this blog. I am often moved by your comments and insights. I continue to pray for you and your family. God bless you! Stacey P.