Monday, December 13, 2010


Last week someone told me they were not counting the days till Christmas, but till the new year because 2010 had been terrible.  During that conversation  I agreed.  Several days later as I laid in bed almost asleep this conversation came to mind and I thought 2010 has been sad, but good.  So I have made a list of good things from each month of 2010.

Jan.--I carried life within me.
Feb.--The boys and I had a fun afternoon buying gifts for Josh's birthday and decorating a cake.  Jackson picked out colored pens and Jeffrey choose socks.
March--I went to Romania and was able to love on children and share God's love.
April--I made a new friend.  She is a mother of a girl with Turner's.  She gave me support like no one else could.  She has been such a blessing to me.
May--I felt love and support from all of you.  It has been said that you find out who your true friends are in crisis.  Well, I didn't lose any this year, so thank you.
June--Josh and I were able to take a weekend trip together.
July--The boys and I spent lazy days at the pool.
Aug.--Some very dear friends of mine (many of you) didn't forget Jamie's due date.  I received emails just saying you remembered and I was given a lovely necklace of birthstones for each of my children.
Oct.--Both the boys are in preschool this year, which means three days 9-2pm all alone.  Silents is so nice sometimes.
Nov.--A mini family reunion over the Thanksgiving weekend was nice.
Dec.--The boys are so excited about Christmas this year.  Jackson knows exactly what he wants where last year he said, "I don't need anything mommy."  Jeffrey wants whatever Jackson says.  Jackson will be having his tonsils and adenoids removed this Friday.  This is much needed and know it will keep us from going to the doctor a lot in 2011.  Please pray for Jackson on Friday.

Please comment and share your good things from 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Suzanne- just wanted to say that I am blessed to have been part of your life this year and part of the special memories of Jamie. Thank you for letting me be a special part of your life and celebrating her life!
    HUGS- Hollie
