Monday, March 28, 2011


Marriage is a covenant commitment to God and your spouse.  When you say your marriage vows you are saying I will love and be faithful for my lifetime.  What has happened to that commitment.  Every where around me lately I hear of someone leaving their spouse or an affair as happened.  I just found out that a couple we know with three small children are divorcing.  Satan is attacking our marriages and the family unit.  So what can you do to protect your marriage?  One thing that I have been doing over the past month and a half is praying for Josh.  Now I have always prayed for Josh, but each day I am praying for a specific thing and using scripture.  You can go to the following website to make a homemade photo flip book of daily prayers.  These are for wives to pray for husbands, but you could easily pray these prayers for wives, your married children, neighbors and friends.  I did not make the flip book like this site says I just used materials that I had around the house.  I am so in favor of using what you have instead of buy more, but that is a whole other topic that I may write about at later time.  Why pray for your spouse?  Pray is so powerful and when we pray we focus on God, which is good for so many reason.  Also when you pray God usually doesn't just work in the life of who you are praying for, but yours as well.  As, I have been praying for Josh I have been more understanding and loving towards him and more aware of the efforts he makes to be a good husband and father.  Try praying specificly for your spouse for the next 31 days and you will see a differnce maybe not in your mate, but in yourself.

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