Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Resolution for Women

Last month our Sunday School class got together and watched the movie Courageous.  If you haven't seen it rent it from redbox it is very good.  I was either laughing or crying the whole time.  The movie is about a group of men, husbands and fathers, that decide to make a resolution to live by God's Word. 

Yesterday, Jeffrey and I were at the library and I just happen to look at the new arrivals and saw The Resolution for Women by Priscilla Shirer.  So, I checked it out and began reading it last night. 

This morning as I was on my run a thought pops in my head about having a book discussion group about this book.  I then began to think about when would be a good time to start something like that and I had many reason to say not now.  Then the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and I recalled what I had just read from the book last night.  Be content in the season of life you are currently in, live in this season and stop focusing on the next. 

Thus, I am going to be reading The Resolution for Women and posting my thoughts and answers to the discussion questions.  I encourage you to join me in this book study and pray that we all will grow in our relationship with Christ.

I would love to be able to meet with each of you and talk about what we are learning, but since my season of life doesn't have a lot of extra time right now I will utilizes the Internet.  I do not have a plan on how fast I will go through each part or how often I will post.  So just keep checking back and keep reading.  I really want you to share what you learn so I can learn from you so leave a comment.  If you receive an email of each of my post please go to my blog and leave a comment so that others can read them as well.

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