Thursday, April 1, 2010

April 1, 2010

This past Tuesday Josh, the boys and I went in for an ultrasound to find out the sex of the baby. We found out that the baby has hydrops. Josh called a friend, Shannon, to come get the boys. We then saw a specialist and a genetic counselor. Test are being ran now. We got the FISH test results back today. This told us that the baby is a girl and has Turner syndrome, which means she is missing an X chromosome. There are women and girls that live good lives with Turners, but most do not make it to birth. Jamie has Turners thus heart problems thus lymphatic problems thus hydrops. Hydrops is what was seen on the ultrasound Tuesday. Hydrops is our big concern and worry.

We are praying and believing that God can and will heal Jamie and we ask that you do the same.

1 comment:

  1. Suzanne and Josh...We are praying for you and Jamie. God promises to be with us, and I know he is with you and Jamie. We are praying for complete healing and peace for you. All our love and prayers.
